
A Place To Find Freedom and Healing

Register for re:generation

What is re:generation?

We all experience struggles and challenges in life but being a part of a community is essential to our healing. We believe that these things can be overcome, and that God is the giver of new life.

Re:generation means to renew or restore. It is a discipleship that will bring growth, healing, and freedom no matter where you are on your faith journey. Re:generation is a safe place for everyone to experience hope and change. Come and your life will never be the same.

Re:generation meets at Rockharbor Church on Thursdays at 6:30pm. Childcare is available but please pre-register your children. Click the link to sign up!

Register Now

The first step is just showing up

Everyone struggles with something. But no matter your struggle, there is hope for you. Use this survey to identify and learn about the struggles most affecting your life.

Start The Strugglefinder Survey


What does the flow of the night look like?

Each Thursday evening, everyone gathers together for the first 45 minutes for worship, teaching or a testimony. The large gathering then breaks into smaller groups for the remainder of the time. First-time guests (where you can learn about the program), Groundwork groups, and Step Groups all meet separately for the next hour. Men meet with men and women meet with women. The gathering lasts about two hours. Childcare is available up to 5th grade. Registration is required.

How long does re:generation take?

The entire process takes about a year. Groundwork takes about two or three months. Step groups take about nine or ten months. The Groundwork curriculum lessons take about 10 minutes per day, while Step Group curriculum takes about 30 minutes per day. 30 minutes a day with God for one year working on your recovery in the context of community will change your life.

You will never be the same!

Who is re:generation for?

All are welcome!

Re:gen is for anyone that is looking for life change. You may have questions about God or you may want to further your understanding of Him. Re:gen is a place where you can find freedom from all struggles including:
- anxiety/depression
- pornography
- fear
- control
- substance abuse
- codependency
- sexual abuse
- same-sex attraction
- eating disorders/body image
- anger
- obsessive thoughts
- any other struggle that has you stuck

How does it work?

Re:gen is a discipleship program structured within the context of small groups (men meeting with men, and women meeting with women.)

At your first meeting, you will attend First Time Guests to learn about the program. Then, participants will spend the first couple of months in a Groundwork group.

Once they have completed the groundwork curriculum, demonstrated a willingness to participate and decided that they want to move forward, they will be placed into a Step-Group. Step-groups have a set number of participants and leaders.

Once a step-group is launched, no new members will be added. For the next 8-9 months, they will progress through the steps using daily curriculum along with other step-group members.

God loves you. He wants to heal you. He has a plan for your life.

Listen to the weekly message