The Porch Director will cast vision and provide leadership to the Young Adults ministry, with the goal to help young adults pursue their God-given potential.
Full Time, exempt (including Sundays)
The Campus Student Director will oversee all aspects of the RH Students (6th-12th grade) Campus Student ministry, with the mission to love and lead students into an authentic and lasting relationships with Jesus.
Full Time, exempt (including Sundays)
The Slingshot Ministry Assistant will work together with the Middle School Director in preparation for Sunday services, equipping and enlisting leaders, planning and coordinating events, and other administrative tasks pertaining to Slingshot Middle School.
Part Time, (25 hours per week)
The Bridge Ministry Assistant will work together with the Bridge Coordinator in preparation for Sunday services, equipping and enlisting leaders, planning and coordinating events, and other administrative tasks pertaining to The Bridge Ministry.
Part Time, (25 hours per week)
The RKidz Preschool Coordinator will lead an environment where children (Ages 3-5 years old) and their families feel welcomed, loved, and connected. The Preschool Coordinator will schedule, recruit, and train leaders within their environment, set up materials as needed and collaborate with the RKidz Team.
Part Time (including Sundays)
Childcare Leaders partner with RH staff and parents to love and lead the next generation to be devoted followers or Jesus and be the church. Leaders care for children during weekly ministry events while making them feel known, seen, and loved.
3-10 Hours Evenings/Weekly (This is a paid position.)